JLAB12 is an INFN experiment in the CSNIII that includes all Italian activities at Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility (USA).
Jefferson Lab is a laboratory for nuclear physics hosting CEBAF (Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility), a 12 GeV electron accelerator, and four experimental halls, A to D, equipped with advanced particle detectors.
The goal of the experiment is the study of the structure and dynamics of hadrons and nuclei through the scattering of (longitudinally polarized) 12 GeV electrons on (polarized) fixed nuclear targets.
More than 50 Italian physicists and engineers collaborate with the 1300 researchers of the JLab community to run experiments and carry out a broad program in hadronic physics.
The JLAB12 main research areas are: nucleon and nuclei form factors; nucleon structure functions; electromagnetic and weak electron-hadron interactions; meson spectroscopy; baryon spectroscopy and search for hybrid configurations; physics beyond the Standard Model.
JLAB12 experimental activity is supported by the Italian theoretical physics community that participates with more than 30 researchers in the study of QCD (Quantum Chromo Dynamics), that governs the structure of hadrons, and to the interpretation of experimental results.
The Roma Tor Vergata group is involved in the
1 – Realization and usage of polarized frozen-spin HD targets (HDice)
2 – Purity measurements of HD gas using Raman scattering trachnique
3 – Contribution to the construction of a Forward Tagger for Clas12
4 – Study of photo-production experiments on polarized nucleons
5 – Search for hybrid baryons in kaon electro-production
6 – Search for dark photons in the HPS experiment